Yoga For Youthful Energy And Clarity

Yoga For Youthful Energy And Clarity

Yoga on beachYoga is an Indian traditional practice that combines postures, breathing, meditation, and stretching to achieve an enlightened state of total mental and bodily flexibility.

Calms Mind, Body And Spirit

In its various forms, yoga has been around for centuries, and is generally acknowledged as a physical exercise for bringing about optimal health. Yoga is touted for reversing the aging process by improving flexibility, massaging the internal organs and glands, sending oxygen to all the body’s tissues, and enhancing a state of serenity. It can enhance sexual desire, calm neurotic impulses, and balance the mind and the spirit.

Learn Yoga At Fitcamp October 2013 In La Paz, Mexico. Learn More…

Induces A Youthful Energy

Ever notice that you can judge a person’s age pretty darn well from a distance just by observing the way they walk and carry themselves? From two blocks away you can usually tell if someone is a teenager, middle-aged or beyond. It has nothing to do, in those instances, with the wrinkles on the face or the suppleness of the skin.

Looking youthful has as much to do with the ease with which you can maneuver through your day as it does with cosmetics and superficial improvements. Keeping your body young and springy has more to do with stretching than with pumping iron.

You’ll find very few yoga practitioners who look OLDER than their years. Yoga can keep you spry and stretched and help you look and feel younger than your years.

Yoga Can Help You Lose Weight

Yoga can help you lose weight because it allows you to work deeper into the muscles, pumping up the heartrate and burning calories. The increase in blood flow you get during a moderate to vigorous yoga class improves circulation. Better alignment through yoga improves your posture. Daily life activities seem easier when your range of motion is improved. You can run up that flight of stairs, walk the dog, or race to catch that last-minute flight with greater ease, thanks to yoga.

Yoga is one of the world’s best stress-busters.

“Mentally, we go through life soaking up stresses like a sponge. Stress blocks energy. Doing a rigorous yoga rings out your sponge leaving you feeling clear and puts you into that calm eye of the storm ridding you of the poisons and pressures of everyday life. Yoga is like Mylanta for the mind,”

Yoga pioneer Baron Baptiste said in an interview.

Many yoga enthusiasts believe that as we age we become “mummified” if we don’t keep our bodies limber and stretched through yoga. In effect, the theory goes, we become prisoners of our own bodies as they tighten and restrict over time.

Yoga has been proven to reduce stress and tension, increase overall health, energy and vitality, help create a stronger, more lean body, and improve mental concentration.

Yoga Ties The Physical To The Spiritual

Although yoga is a physical practice, it also works for us on the spiritual plane. You learn not to judge yourself in life-just as you don’t when you get on the mat, breathe and fall off as you push for more advanced poses. So you can use yoga as an Inner Fitness technique as well as for physical purposes.

The thought of beginning a yoga practice fills many people with fear. “I’ve never been flexible and I don’t think I can learn now,” some think. Or, “It’s boring and I need a really fast-paced workout” others say. Super stiffies need not fear: some of the most flexible people in any yoga class did NOT start as as GUMBIES. With time, anyone can become flexible. And for those who think yoga is not enough of a “workout” I suggest they take a rigorous Power Yoga class and talk to me afterwards—if they can get their breath long enough to do so

Want to take give yoga a try? Sign up for a beginner’s class at your local “Y” or checkout that class you’ve been thinking about trying at your gym. You might be surprised at the compliments that begin to accrue after just a few weeks worth of groovy asanas (yoga poses).

Practice Yoga At Fitcamp 2013

Change Your Life at Fitcamp! – Get in-person instruction on yoga, juicing, cleansing and many other healthy lifestyle choices at Greta B’s Fitcamp 2013.

Learn more about Fitcamp…

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Greta Blackburn is an actress, fitness magazine editor and Founder/Director of Greta Blackburn’s FITCAMPS, which have taken place for over 20 years in locations ranging from Malibu, Maui, and Mexico to Las Vegas and served as training symposiums for fitness professionals and other interested men and women from all over the world. Today the focus at Fitcamp is making 100 the new 50. In 2011 Greta co-authored, “The Immortality Edge” with Michael Fossel, MD, PhD. (author of the pivotal 1997 tome “Reversing Human Aging”) and Dr. Woynarowski with research and solutions based programs based on the emerging field of Telomere Biology.

Posted in Health & Weight Loss

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