Effective Menopause Supplements Straight from Nature

Five Effective Menopause Supplements Straight from Nature

Just because you’re entering menopause doesn’t mean you’re obliged to plunge into the often confusing and sometimes expensive tangle of prescription drugs and hormone replacement therapy. There are plenty of completely natural menopause supplements that your grandmother probably knew about and used herself.

Ground Flaxseed

Ground Flaxseed

You don’t have to be a doctor, or even a holistic health practitioner, to take advantage of these little gifts of nature.

If you’re interested in safe and healthy ways to move gracefully through your post-childbearing years, consider these five simple ways women have been supporting their health and minimizing the impact and frequency of hot flashes, mood swings, and other symptoms of menopause…

1. Calcium

Most everyone knows that calcium helps prevent osteoporosis by building strong bones, but did you know it will also help keep you slim and trim? Research shows that calcium promotes more fat to be burned rather than stored, and when you are at your healthiest size, you have fewer problems with other menopausal symptoms as well. And if you need further incentive to add calcium to your natural menopausal supplement regimen, this powerful mineral also helps fight cancer and promotes a healthy heart.

Great sources of dietary calcium

  • 8 ounces of plain yogurt = 415 milligrams
  • 1.5 ounces cheddar cheese shreds = 306 milligrams
  • 8 ounces of milk = 300 milligrams
  • Half cup of cooked spinach = 145 milligrams

2. Flaxseed

It’s a seed that’s been around for centuries, and long known to have strong health benefits. Not only are women supplementing their diets with flaxseed oil and ground flaxseed, but that’s what farmers are feeding their chickens to produce eggs higher in Omega-3 essential fatty acids, or the “good” fats. The lignans in flaxseed have estrogen-like qualities in your body, which is why they are helpful during menopause.

So far there’s not as much research to support flaxseed as a natural menopausal supplement, but there’s no question that it’s a healthy part of your diet that may very well decrease your mood swings, muscle pain, and hot flashes.

Try adding ground flaxseed to muffins or morning oatmeal; blend them into a vegetable smoothie, or sprinkle some on your salad.

3. Vitamin D

Vitamin D isn’t really a “vitamin” at all – it’s a hormone. And it may be the simplest and most natural way to tackle your menopausal symptoms ever. And without this important health resource, your body can’t make use of that extra calcium you’re taking in.

Fifteen minutes in the sun is often enough to get your body’s daily needs for vitamin D fulfilled. What better way to naturally support your health than by a pleasurable walk in the park, along the lakeside, or around the block?

In addition, wild salmon has more vitamin D than any other food, but tuna, eggs, and mushrooms are also good sources as well.

4. Ginseng

There are two types of ginseng, American and Asian, both of which are known to contain adaptogens, which help the body restore itself to health.

In addition to boosting your mood and improving your sleep, ginseng tea is a natural appetite suppressant that helps you maintain a health weight while reducing stress and supporting your ability to concentrate and think clearly. But it’s benefits don’t stop there: Ginseng also contains a variety of antioxidants, which reduce the impact of aging. In fact, ginseng’s reputation in the ancient Eastern cultures even includes it’s power as a natural aphrodisiac!

5. Soy

While studies are limited on the benefits of soy for menopause, there’s much discussion on the subject. Soy-based foods contain phytoestrogen supplements that are often used to relieve hot flashes. In addition, the isoflavones in soy are believed to improve insulin regulation and bone health, as well as promoting healthy nails, skin, and hair.

Although about 20% of the population reports that they do not tolerate the protein from soy well, there may still be benefits for you in using soy as a one of your natural menopause supplements.

What Do YOU Use?

Do you have any favorite supplements that help with menopause symptoms that I’ve left off the list? Please share your suggestions in the comments below!

photo by: AlishaV
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